Send me a message/email or give me a call and i'll happily help you with any saw probelms.

  • Porting

    Porting a chainsaw is done for several reasons, it all depends on what you want/need out of the saw. The most common is to gain power howver, you can also port for more torque and a higher RPM. This is done by altering the size of the combustion chamber (squish band) and increasing the size and shape of the transfer ports, exhaust outlet and intake.

    Find out more 
  • Component Replacement

    If your saw isnt running well or is getting a bit old, it can be brought back to life with new parts and a service! All after market parts i use are origonal, OEM parts.

  • Maintenance

    Chainsaws should be serviced once a year to keep them running well and to maintain their performance

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